
class yt_astro_analysis.halo_analysis.halo_catalog.plot_modifications.HaloCatalogCallback(halo_catalog, circle_args=None, circle_kwargs=None, width=None, annotate_field=None, radius_field='virial_radius', center_field_prefix='particle_position', text_args=None, font_kwargs=None, factor=1.0)

Plots circles at the locations of all the halos in a halo catalog with radii corresponding to the virial radius of each halo.

  • halo_catalog (Dataset,) – YTDataContainer, or HaloCatalog The object containing halos to be overplotted. This can be a HaloCatalog object, a loaded halo catalog dataset, or a data container from a halo catalog dataset.

  • circle_args (list) – Contains the arguments controlling the appearance of the circles, supplied to the Matplotlib patch Circle.

  • width (tuple) – The width over which to select halos to plot, useful when overplotting to a slice plot. Accepts a tuple in the form (1.0, ‘Mpc’).

  • annotate_field (str) – A field contained in the halo catalog to add text to the plot near the halo. Example: annotate_field = ‘particle_mass’ will write the halo mass next to each halo.

  • radius_field (str) – A field contained in the halo catalog to set the radius of the circle which will surround each halo. Default: ‘virial_radius’.

  • center_field_prefix (str) – Accepts a field prefix which will be used to find the fields containing the coordinates of the center of each halo. Ex: ‘particle_position’ will result in the fields ‘particle_position_x’ for x ‘particle_position_y’ for y, and ‘particle_position_z’ for z. Default: ‘particle_position’.

  • text_args (dict) – Contains the arguments controlling the text appearance of the annotated field.

  • factor (float) – A number the virial radius is multiplied by for plotting the circles. Ex: factor = 2.0 will plot circles with twice the radius of each halo virial radius.


>>> import yt
>>> dds = yt.load("Enzo_64/DD0043/data0043")
>>> hds = yt.load("rockstar_halos/halos_0.0.bin")
>>> p = yt.ProjectionPlot(
...     dds, "x", ("gas", "density"), weight_field=("gas", "density")
... )
>>> p.annotate_halos(hds)
>>> # plot a subset of all halos
>>> import yt
>>> dds = yt.load("Enzo_64/DD0043/data0043")
>>> hds = yt.load("rockstar_halos/halos_0.0.bin")
>>> # make a region half the width of the box
>>> dregion =
...     dds.domain_center - 0.25 * dds.domain_width,
...     dds.domain_center + 0.25 * dds.domain_width,
... )
>>> hregion =
...     hds.domain_center - 0.25 * hds.domain_width,
...     hds.domain_center + 0.25 * hds.domain_width,
... )
>>> p = yt.ProjectionPlot(
...     dds,
...     "x",
...     ("gas", "density"),
...     weight_field=("gas", "density"),
...     data_source=dregion,
...     width=0.5,
... )
>>> p.annotate_halos(hregion)
>>> # plot halos from a HaloCatalog
>>> import yt
>>> from yt.extensions.astro_analysis.halo_analysis import HaloCatalog
>>> dds = yt.load("Enzo_64/DD0043/data0043")
>>> hds = yt.load("rockstar_halos/halos_0.0.bin")
>>> hc = HaloCatalog(data_ds=dds, halos_ds=hds)
>>> p = yt.ProjectionPlot(
...     dds, "x", ("gas", "density"), weight_field=("gas", "density")
... )
>>> p.annotate_halos(hc)

__init__(halo_catalog[, circle_args, ...])

Plots circles at the locations of all the halos in a halo catalog with radii corresponding to the virial radius of each halo.
