
yt_astro_analysis.halo_analysis.halo_catalog.halo_callbacks.virial_quantities(halo, fields, overdensity_field=('gas', 'overdensity'), critical_overdensity=200, profile_storage='profiles')

Calculate the value of the given fields at the virial radius defined at the given critical density by interpolating from radial profiles.

  • halo (Halo object) – The Halo object to be provided by the HaloCatalog.

  • fields (string or list of strings) – The fields whose virial values are to be calculated.

  • overdensity_field (string or tuple of strings) – The field used as the overdensity from which interpolation is done to calculate virial quantities. Default: (“gas”, “overdensity”)

  • critical_overdensity (float) – The value of the overdensity at which to evaluate the virial quantities. Overdensity is with respect to the critical density. Default: 200

  • profile_storage (string) – Name of the halo attribute that holds the profiles to be used. Default: “profiles”