
LightCone.plan_cosmology_splice(near_redshift, far_redshift, max_box_fraction=1.0, decimals=3, filename=None, start_index=0)

Create imaginary list of redshift outputs to maximally span a redshift interval.

If you want to run a cosmological simulation that will have just enough data outputs to create a cosmology splice, this method will calculate a list of redshifts outputs that will minimally connect a redshift interval.

  • near_redshift (float) – The nearest (lowest) redshift in the cosmology splice list.

  • far_redshift (float) – The furthest (highest) redshift in the cosmology splice list.

  • max_box_fraction (float) – In terms of the size of the domain, the maximum length a light ray segment can be in order to span the redshift interval from one dataset to another. If using a zoom-in simulation, this parameter can be set to the length of the high resolution region so as to limit ray segments to that size. If the high resolution region is not cubical, the smallest side should be used. Default: 1.0 (the size of the box)

  • decimals (int) – The decimal place to which the output redshift will be rounded. If the decimal place in question is nonzero, the redshift will be rounded up to ensure continuity of the splice. Default: 3.

  • filename (string) – If provided, a file will be written with the redshift outputs in the form in which they should be given in the enzo dataset. Default: None.

  • start_index (int) – The index of the first redshift output. Default: 0.


>>> from yt.extensions.astro_analysis.cosmological_observation.api import CosmologySplice
>>> my_splice = CosmologySplice('enzo_tiny_cosmology/32Mpc_32.enzo', 'Enzo')
>>> my_splice.plan_cosmology_splice(0.0, 0.1, filename='redshifts.out')