.. _changelog: ChangeLog ========= This is a log of changes to yt_astro_analysis over its release history. Contributors ------------ The `CREDITS file `__ contains the most up-to-date list of everyone who has contributed to the yt_astro_analysis source code. Version 1.1.3 ------------- Release date: *October 11, 2023* Bugfixes ^^^^^^^^ * Handle deprecation warning from numpy 1.25 (np.product is deprecated in favour of np.prod) `PR #186 `__ * Avoid usage of deprecated unyt API `PR #207 `__ * Fix usage of deprecated (and removed) clobber argument from astropy `PR #226 `__ * Updated ppv_cube.py to avoid deprecated function 'update_all_headers' `PR #225 `__ Documentation and tests ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Migrate away from configuration key format deprecated in Sphinx 7.0 `PR #195 `__ * Treat warnings as errors `PR #201 `__ * Fix RadMC3DWriter's docstring (compat with modern yt) `PR #206 `__ * Fix a couple bugs in PPVCube notebook `PR #228 `__ * Pin doc requirements `PR #235 `__ * Upgrade sphinx to latest version and enable automated upgrades for doc dependencies `PR #237 `__ * Support installation of rockstar through conda `PR #219 `__ Build and Requirements ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Migrate metadata to pyproject.toml, and drop setup.cfg `PR #175 `__ * Drop dependency on more_itertools `PR #178 `__ * Set upper limit to runtime numpy `PR #205 `__ * Stop building wheels for Windows 32 `PR #217 `__ * Switch to Cython 3.0, forbid deprecated Numpy C API in generated code `PR #211 `__ * Add wheels for CPython 3.12 `PR #216 `__ * Migrate from oldest-supported-numpy to NPY_TARGET_VERSION (Python >= 3.9) `PR #218 `__ * Drop support for CPython 3.8 `PR #222 `__ **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/yt-project/yt_astro_analysis/compare/yt_astro_analysis-1.1.2...yt_astro_analysis-1.1.3 Version 1.1.2 ------------- Release date: *January 23, 2023* Bugfixes ^^^^^^^^ * Fix compatibility with numpy 1.24 (numpy.float was removed) `PR #169 `__ * Build wheels for Python 3.11 `PR #170 `__ Documentation and tests ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Update package name for conda/pip installation. `PR #138 `__ * Hotfix CI (workaround upstream change of behaviour) `PR #145 `__ * Test on Python 3.11 `PR #163 `__ * Switch ubuntu image to 20.04 `PR #167 `__ Requirements ^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Drop support for CPython 3.7 `PR #157 `__ **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/yt-project/yt_astro_analysis/compare/yt_astro_analysis-1.1.1...yt_astro_analysis-1.1.2 Version 1.1.1 ------------- Release date: *January 27, 2022* Bugfixes ^^^^^^^^ * Make sure to initialize index before checking particle types `PR #127 `__ * Fix broken example with halo plotting `PR #132 `__ * Make total particles a 64 bit integer `PR #133 `__ * Set output directory properly for rockstar halo finder `PR #134 `__ **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/yt-project/yt_astro_analysis/compare/yt_astro_analysis-1.1.0...yt_astro_analysis-1.1.1 Version 1.1 ----------- Release date: *December 9, 2021* New Features ^^^^^^^^^^^^ * The HaloCatalog has been significantly refactored `PR #58 `__, `PR #62 `__ with the following additional improvements: * the interface to the Rockstar halo finder is now compatible with the latest version of Rockstar Galaxies `PR #55 `__ * all halo finders now support being run with time-series of datasets * halo particle ids now savable with FoF and HOP halo finders `PR #52 `__ * looping over halos is done with io chunks instead of ds.all_data for a significant speedup and reduction in memory * Allow more flexibility for specifying rockstar particle mass `PR #84 `__ * Add restart option for rockstar `PR #82 `__ * Adding an outer_radius parameter to the iterative COM callback `PR #34 `__ * Remove the sunyaev_zeldovich analysis module. This is now `ytsz `__. `PR #79 `__ * Drop support for python 3.6 `PR #100 `__, `PR #101 `__ Minor Enhancements and Bugfixes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * significant project management and ci improvements `PR #89 `__, `PR #90 `__, `PR #91 `__, `PR #92 `__, `PR #96 `__, `PR #95 `__, `PR #97 `__, `PR #108 `__, `PR #109 `__ * Add annotate_halos function `PR #98 `__ * only access particle_type field in rockstar if it exists and is needed `PR #111 `__ * fix light cone projections with weight fields `PR #37 `__ * Fix HaloCatalog progress bar `PR #40 `__ * clarify rockstar error message about using the wrong number of MPI processes `PR #42 `__, `PR #113 `__ * check derived_field_list for base fields `PR #43 `__ * allow cosmology splice from a single dataset `PR #49 `__ * Fix iterator `PR #68 `__ * Support new config file format `PR #65 `__ * Enable circleci testing `PR #44 `__ * Add max_box_fraction to plan_cosmology_splice `PR #76 `__ * Fix HaloCatalog output_dir `PR #81 `__ * remove deprecated dm_only keyword from halo finder `PR #57 `__ * update amr_grid.inp `PR #77 `__ `Full Changelog `__ Version 1.0 ----------- Release date: *October 11, 2018* This is initial stable release of yt_astro_analysis. Before this, all code in here was contained in the `yt package's `__ ``analysis_modules`` submodule. Version 1.0 of yt_astro_analysis is functionally identical to the ``analysis_modules`` from yt version 3.5.0.